I am continuing with reading more of Krishna Dharma's Mahabharata this week! The passage i looked at was the one about the Bhagavad Gita. I chose that one specifically because in my Fate and the Individual class today, T.S. Elliot made a reference to Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield and it was something from the Bhagavad Gita that Krishna read to Arjuna that allowed him to gain his composure. The spiritual ideas are great. I also am figuring out what I want to do with my last story - possibly something with Faust and Mephistopholes and twisting the plot of where Arjuna surrenders himself to Krishna, Faust surrenders himself to Mephistopholes and thus bounds himself to hell.
Anyways, as far as the actual reading today, one thing that stood out to me was the grief that Arjuna felt at having to fight his brothers. He so much would rather die than to kill them. However, in his doubt his gives himself up to the teaching of Krishna and I think that is so cool. It reminds me of my faith and the constant struggle of religion and giving oneself up to whatever it is that one believes in.

source Krishna shows his full form to Arjuna
The Mahabharata by Krishna Dharma
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