I was not able to hit those goals so I lowered it down last week to 20 hours instead. The first half of the week did not go very well and I was only able to get in a like 4 hours by Thursday morning.. However, as I was walking out of class, I saw one of my friends studying for her LSAT and I asked her how she went about studying for it. She enlightened me to her schedule of putting in 30 hours a week for the past two weeks and told me how manageable it has been for her. After talking to her for about 10 minutes I had this new resolve to finish up the week strong and hit the original goal for studying that I had planned. I ended up the week on Saturday at around 5:30pm hitting my 20 hours of studying in for the week! I actually ended up passing out right after words. Anyways, hitting my goal of 20 hours this week gives me a lot of confidence going into next week that I will be able to manage both my study hours for the MCAT and for school as well! I want to emphasize how important it is to set goals and actually hit them. I just feel so good after hitting my goals and I feel like a new person!
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!

Image taken from business2community
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