silencing the critical voices
The articles are spot on! My favorite one is silencing the critical voices because it emphasizes the importance of positive thoughts! For the past two years in college I have had the opportunity to run my own business during the summertime with Southwestern Advantage and develop leadership and communication skills. The primary concept that Southwestern teaches their students is the importance of positive self-talk. Everyday during the summer time whether its through the rain, heat, empty, and negative feelings of self-worth, the convictions of positive self-affirmations have served me in the program and outside of the program in my daily life.
The other article, 6 bad mental habits, is also pretty cool. It is so important to not get hung up on the negative image we can have on ourselves and I think when it comes to handling feedback it gets kind of tricky. One way that I like to look at feedback is by viewing it as 'constructive.' It is so humbling to realize that I cannot see everything and appreciating others for helping me see my blind spots. It is so important to assess situations constructively and the idea of feedback is great because there are many things I am blind to in my work and life.

Photo was taken on my phone and captions were created with group me (I started a conversation with myself so nobody would notice that I’m making Patrick memes (not that it matters but that’s how this picture was formed))
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