I like the tattoo parlor idea alot. As I’m brainstorming ideas for projects, I’m trying to figure out the best way to incorporate Patrick into my final project. The idea of the tattoo parlor is really neat and the author has a lot of freedom to think creatively about the events that happen in that divine environment.
What appeals to me about the Shremeeti News paper is the drawing in effect that it has of being a mystery crime scene thrill. Perhaps some type of myster blog could be thought of where Patrick is Protagonist trying to figure out a mystery. Another idea that I think could work is some type of survival horror blog with updated news where I go missing and Patrick attempts to look for me.
The Jataka tales of Waffle and Tootsie up to what I have checked out so far is the front runner for my project. The project will follow the Jataka stories through the literary analysis of Albert intermingled with questions that I learned from another class I’m taking this semester called Fate and the individual part II. Another idea is an anthology where Patrick is in all of the Jataka tales, but instead is a diary sketchbook survival idea like in Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe where Patrick reflects upon the originally stuff that he has to do in each of the tales in first person.
The last thing that interests me is the blog of love through the eyes of nature. The introduction to the blog is very funny as it is told through the eyes of a squirrel. The possibility that opens up from the blog idea is that Patrick reflects upon stories of love or really any emotion through his daily existence with reflections toward divine Hindu gods. The blog could be a prayer similar to Augustine’s Confessions.

Picture from Wattpad Patrick as a detective
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