My name is Albert. I am a letters-constitutional studies major here at OU and I am pre-med. During the summer time I sell books door-to-door in another state and I take pictures of funny things. I want to be a doctor/surgeon and one day co-found a business with my peers. I also eventually want to be married to a lovely wife and have 5 kids (3 boys, 2 girls, all spawned by me and my wife), 3 dogs (a pomeranian, a maltese, and an auzziedoodle), and a miniature pony, all by the time I'm 42. Anyways, that's enough about me.... Here is who and what the blog is really about...... *drum roll* PATRICK!!
The purpose of the blog is to reflect and meditate on Indian Epics through the perspective of Patrick Startrick, a wooden figurine I created in 10th grade. All reflections will be through the eyes of Patrick in the first person, with all mentions of me in the third person. Patrick was born my sophomore year in high school on accident. A friend of mine and I were designing a sculpture out of two pieces of wood. Both pieces failed, but from the rubble arose possibility. My friend ended up throwing his piece of wood away, but I saw potential with my half. At first the block looked potentially like a long sword. I shaved the piece and sanded it down into what later resembled a magnet shaped device. The final product was a wooden figurine that resembled Patrick Star from the popular show on Nickelodean,
Spongebob Squarepants. I decided to paint the figurine a shade of pink and had another friend draw a face on him. Ever since then, like a child born from wedlock, our accident morphed into life of its own - thus spawned Project Patrick.
All photos were uploaded from my Phone
Project Patrick started off with just a few friends and I as we sought areas in our class schedule to bring "life" to Patrick. The concept of "life" was a very interesting topic to me as I was taking IB classes at the time - the idea of life both biologically and figuratively really drew my attention. I started taking pictures of Patrick both inside and outside of school in my daily activities as I pondered this question of life. A few examples of the integration is shown below.
Here this is Patrick Skyping with one of my friends
Patrick with a baby photo
Here Patrick is part of my Science Fair project
A rad picture of Patrick in my physics class with the Tesla Coil
Patrick at a Mexican Restaurant (Featuring my sister in the background)
Here Patrick is being sported by one of my friends as a pocket square
Also all these photos were taken from my phone
The project is quite amusing and as I grew older and my friends all started utilizing social media, there were eventually a few social media projects that were started as well such as his presence on instagram.

All pictures were taken from my phone
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this blog as much as I enjoyed creating it.